The father spoke of Adam and Eve at Sunday Mass, preaching of sin and unholy affairs. Lust and Adultery seemed to be the focus of his topic, putting particular significance on masturbation and Sex. He encouraged each follower to confess their sins and accept GOD as their only savior. Evie Dellatosso, a nun was strangely intrigued by his words, wondering in secret, what the touch of Adam would have felt like on her virgin pussy. Blithely unaware of the consequences of her actions, the busty nun blurted out “how can it be a sin if Adam and Eve were lovers?” Her blasphemous words caused uproar in the church resulting in deep punishment for Nun Evie. After being stripped of her clothing to stand the freezing air on her naked body, nun Evie Dellatossa is banished to the dungeon to await punishment. The punishment for questioning the word of GOD is can be a severe lashing by a fellow nun and banishment from the local town and church… 5 nights in the dungeon however, is supposed to make sinners fear the lord ever more and experience deep shame for the sin that they have committed. As Nun Evie ponders the words written in the bible in deep solitude, there awakens a deep hatred within her sole; Hatred for the church that manipulated her, for the father who banished her and for GOD himself for not protecting her. She begins to question everything in the Bible, calling the lord a masochistic son of a bitch. She yells out blasphemy as she touches herself for the first time; first rubbing her large natural breasts that she wanted many times to touch but was afraid. The big boobs Latina slides her hands down to touch her virginity, startled by the wetness that pours out of it. Nun Evie begins to masturbate first with her fingers and then with the holy cross, imagining that it was Adam inside her, committing the dirtiest of sins. Finally in a fit of rage Evie denounces her god as she moves closer to climax. The HD video and high resolution picture gallery are posted below. Enjoy! Watch Trailer!
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